Transform your financial habits based on the Torah’s guidance.
While the aspiration for wealth is common to all, most people get waylaid on their path to prosperity. This is not for lack of guidance on the topic; to the contrary, there is an overwhelming flood of available advice on personal finance, which is itself a big part of the problem, since much of it is more harmful than helpful.
Not so the guidance of the Torah, which resolutely presents the achievement of wealth and worldly success as compatible, and even concurrent, with the realization of the true wealth of a life of Torah and mitzvot. Based substantially on halachot compiled by the Rambam in his halachic code, the Mishneh Torah, together with advice from Shlomoh HaMelech and Chazal throughout the length and breadth of the Talmud, A Torah Guide to Personal Finance lays out the path to true wealth in a manner that is achievable by all.
No matter your age, occupation or level of education, this short but potent and readable guide will provide the tools and spiritual outlook needed to live a life of Torah prosperity. Specifically, the reader will learn the Torah’s view of wealth, its logical approach to financial planning, along with advice on how to go about earning a living, investing for the future, managing risk and retirement.
Along with Shabbat and holidays, kashrut, human relationships and education, our finances are a very large dimension of our lives as Jews, yet all too often we are confused about how to advance our lives as the Torah would like us to. Written by a lifelong financial journalist and committed Torah learner, A Torah Guide to Personal Finance dispels this confusion and offers a clear vision of how we are to forge our financial lives.
“Accesses the wisdom of the Talmud and the Rambam to help us make intelligent lifestyle decisions and overcome the obstacles blocking the achievement of true Torah wealth.” — Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, co-founder of Breakthrough Chinuch and author of The One Minute Masmid
Now available as ebook and as softcover at Amazon.
Available as ebook and pdf at Gumroad.
Available as ebook at other retailers.
The text of this book is available for free (in substantially the same form) on the sidebar of this website.
And for professional wealth managers and others in the financial domain…

The Mentor is a unique parable for financial advisors and those who aspire to become one.
When Benjamin, Reggie and Sophie meet at financial-advisor training at national wealth-management firm Tilden Prescott, they bring with them unique personalities and character traits, but with little practical knowledge of the field. But that begins to change as they are paired with more experienced mentors. What starts as different approaches to business development ultimately becomes different approaches to character development, with implications for their success and satisfaction as advisors.
Written in play form, The Mentor lays out the fundamental tension between the desire to help people and the need to succeed financially, addressing these issues in fictional form. By embodying these issues in a story, those ideas, literally and literarily, take on a life of their own and lodge themselves in the reader’s heart.
Through a short investment of time and imagination, financial advisors can decide whether they prefer to receive their business advice from a Jacob Pelowitz or a Robert Stephenson, and whether their career trajectory should rocket like Reggie’s or be balanced like Benjamin’s.
Events reach a crescendo by the play’s end – in the sort of drama that every financial advisor will face in his or her career. Real-life drama of this kind presents a moment of truth: Have I achieved my goals? Have I achieved them at somebody else’s expense? Is this really the kind of career I want to have or the life I want to lead?
Get the book at:
Amazon.com (Softcover and Kindle eBook)
Gumroad (eBook and PDF formats)
Books2Read (list of additional retailers that will be updated regularly)